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Microglot IDL Specification

This specification details the syntax, grammar, type system, and compiler constraints for the microglot IDL. The microglot language is proto2 and proto3 compatible in addition to supporting a new syntax called mglot.

Meta Syntax

The microglot compiler supports multiple syntaxes. To support switching between parser modes, every supported language syntax has a consistent form for identifying the syntax of a document. The first non-comment, non-empty line of a file must be a syntax specification in the form:

syntax = "<SYNTAX>"

The supported syntax values are proto2, proto3, and mglot0.

All language syntaxes are UTF-8 encoded text. All syntaxes support an optional UTF-8 BOM as the first character sequence.

Comments are written in the form // and /* */ for line and block comments respectively. Both comment forms may be used anywhere in a file though each language syntax defines special rules for how some comments are interpreted as documentation.

Protocol Buffers 2 And 3

When the syntax is specified as proto2 or proto3 then the file must contain valid Protocol Buffers version 2 or 3 content, respectively. Microglot compiler implementations should follow the language specification and compiler behavior guide from This is the most comprehensive guide for creating a new compiler that is compatible with protoc, the canonical protobuf compiler.

Microglot 0

The mglot0 syntax is an independent IDL that can import and leverage Protocol Buffers defined types. The syntax is largely inspired by Cap'n Proto which is a different IDL created by one of the Protocol Buffers authors.

The mglot0 syntax is experimental.

Syntax And Grammar

This section contains the lexical and grammar rules that represent valid IDL content. The focus of this section is on language structure. Interpretation of language elements and other types of compiler constraints are detailed in a later section.


Language syntax is specified using Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF). This document uses the following EBNF syntax:

Production  = production_name "=" [ Expression ] "." .
Expression = Alternative { "|" Alternative } .
Alternative = Term { Term } .
Term = production_name | token [ "…" token ] | Group | Option | Repetition .
Group = "(" Expression ")" .
Option = "[" Expression "]" .
Repetition = "{" Expression "}" .

Productions are expressions constructed from terms and the following operators, in increasing precedence:

  • | alternation
  • () grouping
  • [] option (0 or 1 times)
  • repetition (0 to n times)

Lower-case production names are used to identify lexical tokens. Non-terminals are in PascalCase. Literal tokens are enclosed in double quotes "" or back quotes ``.

The form a … b represents the set of characters from a through b as alternatives. The horizontal ellipsis … is also used elsewhere in the spec to informally denote various enumerations or code snippets that are not further specified. The character … (as opposed to the three characters ...) is not a token of the Microglot IDL.

Source Code Representation

Source code is Unicode text encoded in UTF-8. The text is not canonicalized, so a single accented code point is distinct from the same character constructed from combining an accent and a letter; those are treated as two code points. For simplicity, this document will use the unqualified term character to refer to a Unicode code point in the source text. Each code point is distinct; for instance, upper and lower case letters are different characters.

The NUL character (U+0000) is not allowed in source text.

A UTF-8 byte order mark (U+FEFF) is only allowed as the first unicode code point in the source text but will be ignored. This is intended to provide compatibility with tools that require the BOM to recognized UTF-8 text. The BOM may not appear anywhere else in the source code.

Lexical Elements


The following terms are used to denote specific Unicode character classes:

newline             = /* the Unicode code point U+000A */ .
unicode_char = /* an arbitrary Unicode code point except newline */ .
unicode_prose_char = /* an arbitrary Unicode code point except tick (`) */ .
unicode_letter = /* a Unicode code point classified as "Letter" */ .
unicode_digit = /* a Unicode code point classified as "Number, decimal digit" */ .

In The Unicode Standard 8.0, Section 4.5 "General Category" defines a set of character categories. Microglot treats all characters in any of the Letter categories Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, or Lo as Unicode letters, and those in the Number category Nd as Unicode digits.

Letters and digits

The underscore character _ (U+005F) is considered a letter.

letter        = unicode_letter | "_" .
decimal_digit = "0" … "9" .
binary_digit = "0" | "1" .
octal_digit = "0" … "7" .
hex_digit = "0" … "9" | "A" … "F" | "a" … "f" .
White Space

White space characters are generally ignored except when they separate tokens that would otherwise combine into a single token. White space consists of the space (U+0020), horizontal tab (U+0009), carriage return (U+000D), and newline (U+000A).


Tokens form the vocabulary of the Microglot IDL. There are four classes: identifiers, keywords, operators, and literals.


Identifiers name program entities such as constants and types. An identifier is a sequence of one or more letters and digits. The first character of an identifier must be a letter.

identifier = letter { letter | unicode_digit } .



The following keywords are reserved and may not be used as identifiers.

import = "import".
as = "as" .
const = "const" .
annotation = "annotation" .
struct = "struct" .
field = "field".
union = "union" .
enum = "enum" .
enumerant = "enumerant" .
api = "api" .
apimethod = "apimethod" .
sdk = "sdk" .
sdkmethod = "sdkmethod" .
module = "module" .
syntax = "syntax" .
extends = "extends" .
nothrows = "nothrows" .
returns = "returns" .
impl = "impl" .
throw = "throw" .
catch = "catch" .
return = "return" .
switch = "switch".
var = "var" .
for = "for" .
in = "in" .
while = "while" .
set = "set".
requires = "requires" .
case = "case" .
if = "if" .
else = "else".
async = "async"
await = "await"

The following tokens represent punctuation, or operators, that are used to either define contextual boundaries in the code or to combine operands:

equal_compare = "==" .
equal_not = "!=" .
equal_lesser = "<=" .
equal_greater = ">=" .
bool_and = "&&" .
bool_or = "||" .
bin_and = "&" .
bin_or = "|" .
bin_xor = "^" .
shift_left = "<<" .
shift_right = ">>" .
equal = "=" .
plus = "+" .
minus = "-" .
bang = "!" .
comment_start_line = "//" .
comment_start_block = "/*" .
comment_end_block = "*/" .
slash = "/" .
star = "*" .
mod = "%" .
comma = "," .
colon = ":" .
dot = "." .
at = "@" .
dollar = "$" .
tick = "`" .
curly_open = "{" .
curl_close = "}" .
square_open = "[" .
square_close = "]" .
paren_open = "(" .
paren_close = ")" .
angle_open = "<" .
angle_close = ">" .

Literals represent non-identifier sequences of characters that have a special interpretation in compilers. Literal values generally represent user-defined values of a specific data type. For example, literals include text, integers, and floats, etc.

Integer Literals

An integer literal is a sequence of digits representing an integer constant. An optional prefix sets a non-decimal base: 0b or 0B for binary, 0, 0o, or 0O for octal, and 0x or 0X for hexadecimal. A single 0 is considered a decimal zero. In hexadecimal literals, letters a through f and A through F represent values 10 through 15.

For readability, an underscore character (_) may appear after a base prefix or between successive digits; such underscores do not change the literal's value.

int_lit        = decimal_lit | binary_lit | octal_lit | hex_lit .
decimal_lit = "0" | ( "1" … "9" ) [ [ "_" ] decimal_digits ] .
binary_lit = "0" ( "b" | "B" ) [ "_" ] binary_digits .
octal_lit = "0" [ "o" | "O" ] [ "_" ] octal_digits .
hex_lit = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) [ "_" ] hex_digits .

decimal_digits = decimal_digit { [ "_" ] decimal_digit } .
binary_digits = binary_digit { [ "_" ] binary_digit } .
octal_digits = octal_digit { [ "_" ] octal_digit } .
hex_digits = hex_digit { [ "_" ] hex_digit } .


0O600 # second character is capital letter 'O'

_42 # an identifier, not an integer literal
42_ # invalid: _ must separate successive digits
4__2 # invalid: only one _ at a time
0_xBadFace # invalid: _ must only come after base prefix
Floating-Point Literals

A floating-point literal is a decimal or hexadecimal representation of a floating-point constant.

A decimal floating-point literal consists of an integer part (decimal digits), a decimal point, a fractional part (decimal digits), and an exponent part (e or E followed by an optional sign and decimal digits). One of the integer part or the fractional part may be elided; one of the decimal point or the exponent part may be elided. An exponent value exp scales the mantissa (integer and fractional part) by 10^exp.

A hexadecimal floating-point literal consists of a 0x or 0X prefix, an integer part (hexadecimal digits), a radix point, a fractional part (hexadecimal digits), and an exponent part (p or P followed by an optional sign and decimal digits). One of the integer part or the fractional part may be elided; the radix point may be elided as well, but the exponent part is required. (This syntax matches the one given in IEEE 754-2008 §5.12.3.) An exponent value exp scales the mantissa (integer and fractional part) by 2^exp.

For readability, an underscore character (_) may appear after a base prefix or between successive digits; such underscores do not change the literal value.

float_lit         = decimal_float_lit | hex_float_lit .

decimal_float_lit = decimal_digits "." [ decimal_digits ] [ decimal_exponent ] |
decimal_digits decimal_exponent |
"." decimal_digits [ decimal_exponent ] .
decimal_exponent = ( "e" | "E" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimal_digits .

hex_float_lit = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) hex_mantissa hex_exponent .
hex_mantissa = [ "_" ] hex_digits "." [ hex_digits ] |
[ "_" ] hex_digits |
"." hex_digits .
hex_exponent = ( "p" | "P" ) [ "+" | "-" ] decimal_digits .


1_5. # == 15.0
0.15e+0_2 # == 15.0

0x1p-2 # == 0.25
0x2.p10 # == 2048.0
0x1.Fp+0 # == 1.9375
0X.8p-0 # == 0.5
0X_1FFFP-16 # == 0.1249847412109375

0x15e-2 # invalid: missing p exponent, 0x15e - 2 is integer subtraction which is not supported
0x.p1 # invalid: mantissa has no digits
1p-2 # invalid: p exponent requires hexadecimal mantissa
0x1.5e-2 # invalid: hexadecimal mantissa requires p exponent
1_.5 # invalid: _ must separate successive digits
1._5 # invalid: _ must separate successive digits
1.5_e1 # invalid: _ must separate successive digits
1.5e_1 # invalid: _ must separate successive digits
1.5e1_ # invalid: _ must separate successive digits
Text Literals

A text literal represents a string constant obtained from concatenating a sequence of characters.

Text literals are character sequences between double quotes, as in "bar". Within the quotes, any character may appear except an unescaped double quote. The text between the quotes forms the value of the literal. All text is interpreted as UTF-8.

escaped_char            = `\` ( "a" | "b" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t" | "v" | `\` | `"` ) .
unicode_value = unicode_char | escaped_char .
text_value = unicode_value | newline
text_lit = `"` { text_value } `"` .


"Hello, world!\n"
Data Literals

A data literal represents a byte sequence obtained from concatenating a sequence of hex digits.

Data literals are character sequences beginning with a hex integer base prefix (0x or 0X) followed by a quote enclosed value. The enclosed value is a series of hex digits where each two successive digits constitute a byte. Successive bytes may be adjacent, separated by spaces, or separated by underscores. Any separating characters are ignored and do not change the value of the literal.

data_lit        = "0" ( "x" | "X" ) `"` hex_digits `"` .
data_bytes = data_byte { { "_" | " " } data_byte } .
data_byte = hex_digit hex_digit .


0X"Ba dF ac e0"
Bool Literals

A bool literal represents a boolean, or true/false, value.

Bool literals are expressed only using the keywords true and false.

bool_lit    = true | false  .

Comments are used to capture documentation and should not be ignored. Comments have two forms: line and block. Line comments begin with // and end at the end of the line. Block comments begin with /* and end with */.

comment_line = comment_start_line {unicode_value} newline .
comment_block = comment_start_block {unicode_value | newline} comment_end_block .
comment = comment_line | comment_block


// This is a comment line.
/* This is
a comment
block */

A comment cannot start inside a text literal, data literal, or another comment.


Prose represent free-form, natural language descriptions of impl method bodies. Each prose begins and ends with a tick (```).

prose = tick {unicode_prose_char} tick

Production Rules

This section covers the rules governing parsing of IDL. Each section is specialized to a specific construct.

Note that this section only describes the structure and order of the IDL. It does not include much, if any, rationale into the choices and does not expand on non-grammar rules such as those related to type checking or other forms of validation of the content.

Common Elements

Some syntax elements are pervasive throughout the language and used in multiple other elements. These include UIDs, annotation applications, and comment blocks.

UID Assignments

Most elements in the language support providing an optional UID for the purposes of either optimizing the value or resolving conflicts from the automatic UID generation. Generally, any element that may be referenced outside a given module must support a UID value.

UID = at int_lit .


Comment Line Blocks

In addition to the comment block syntax, a series of individual line comments may be used to form a block:

CommentBlock = comment {comment}


// This is part of a block
// This is part of the same block

// This is also part of the above block
This is also part of the above comment block

Empty lines between comments are ignored and blocks are associated with specific elements. All comment blocks must appear within or after the documented element as defined by the element's grammar rules.

Annotation Applications

Annotations are applied to specific language elements using a common syntax.

AnnotationInstance      = [identifier dot] identifier paren_open Value paren_close .
AnnotationApplication = dollar paren_open [AnnotationInstance] { comma AnnotationInstance } [comma] paren_close .


$(M(1234), Mod("text value"))

Annotations applications have no immediate effect on the compiler and do not change the grammar of any given element. These values exist to be used by compiler implementations or plugins to modify other behaviors.

Qualified Identifier

A qualified identifier is used for scoped access. In the simplest form, a qualified identifier is only a single identifier that references a value in the immediate scope. Qualified identifiers may have any number of scope specifiers.

QualifiedIdentifier = identifier { dot identifier } .


Type Names

User defined types are all named with a valid identifier.

TypeParameters = angle_open TypeSpecifier {comma TypeSpecifier} [comma] angle_close
TypeName = identifer [TypeParameters] .


Type Specifiers

Type specifiers are a dedicated syntax for referencing types rather than values.

QualifiedTypeName = [identifier dot] TypeName .
TypeSpecifier = colon QualifiedTypeName .


:Map<:Text, :Int64>

Each source file represents a "Module". A module is an independent namespace in which users may define types or constants.

Module = [ModuleHeader] StatementSyntax StatementModuleMeta {ModuleElement} .

ModuleElement = StatementImport |
StatementAnnotation |
StatementConst |
StatementEnum |
StatementStruct |
StatementAPI |
StatementSDK .
Module Headers

A module header is a comment block that appears as the first element of a module. This header is not considered module level documentation as that use case is covered by the module meta element. Instead, a module header exists to support common licensing requirements such as annotating the top of every file with some specific licensing statement. The header may be used for any purpose but licensing is the primary intention.

ModuleHeader = CommentBlock .


// This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
// View the license at

syntax = "1.0.0"
Module Syntax Statement

The syntax statement identifies which version of the grammar is used within the module. The version value is a text literal. The module syntax statement must be the first non-empty, non-comment line in the file.

StatementSyntax = syntax equal text_lit .


syntax = "mglot0"

If a syntax statement is not given then the assumed value is the most recent version supported by the compiler. This value appears first or immediately after a module header so that compilers may read it and optionally switch which grammar is applied to remaining source code.

Module Meta Statement

The module meta statement identifies the UID of the module and provides a place for both documenting and annotating the module.

StatementModuleMeta = module equal UID [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .


module = @1234 $(
// This is documentation that applies to the module scope.

This statement is required for all modules.

Import Statements

Modules may reference other modules on which they depend by using import statements. Imported modules are referenced by some environmentally specific identifier since modules do not have names and the UID of a module is contained within the file contents.

ModuleName      = ( identifier | dot ) .
ImportURI = text_lit .
StatementImport = import ImportURI as ModuleName [CommentBlock] .


import "/path/to/file" as SomeModuleName
import "file:///path/to/file" as another_module_name
import "/path/to/file" as .
Annotation Statements

Annotations are arbitrary, user defined identifiers that can be associated with arbitrary types. Annotations have no direct impact on the IDL and are intended as an extension mechanism for downstream effects. For example, IDL users can define and use annotations in order to enable or disable features in code generation plugins.

AnnotationScope     = module | union | struct | field | enumerant | enum | api | apimethod | sdk | sdkmethod | const | star .
StatementAnnotation = annotation identifier paren_open AnnotationScope {comma AnnotationScope} [comma] paren_close TypeSpecifier [UID] [CommentBlock] .


annotation B(*) :Bool // Annotates any element with a boolean.
annotation M(method) :UInt64 // Annotates any API, impl, or SDK method.
annotation Mod(module) :Text @55 // Annotates an entire module at the file level.

Each annotation has a name, one or more scopes, and an associated type. The scopes specify which elements of the language can receive the annotation. The * value indicates that all language elements may be annotated.

Note that annotations cannot be the target of annotations.

Const Statements

Constants represent a specific and unchanging value.

StatementConst = const identifier TypeSpecifier equal Value [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .


const Foo :Text = "foo"
const Bar :Text = Foo @13
Enum Statements

Enums are containers of symbolic names that have no specified type.

Enumerant       = identifier [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .
StatementEnum = enum identifier brace_open [CommentBlock] { Enumerant } brace_close [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .


enum Empty {}
enum E {
A @0
Struct Statements

Structs are container types that have no associated behavior. A struct is always named and contains zero or more fields. Each field must have a defined type.

Field           = identifier TypeSpecifier [equal Value] [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock]  .
UnionField = identifier TypeSpecifier [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .
Union = union [identifier] brace_open [CommentBlock] { UnionField } brace_close [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .
StructElement = Field | Union .
StatementStruct = struct TypeName brace_open [CommentBlock] { StructElement } brace_close [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .


struct Empty {} @9
struct HasFields {
FieldOne :Text
FieldTwo :Bool = true @23
struct HasFieldsUnion {
FieldOne :HasFields @1
union A {
FieldTwo :Bool @2
FieldThree :Text @3
} @4

Fields within a union may not have an assigned value. Otherwise, fields within and outside a union clause are identical. Unions may be named or unnamed.

API Statements

APIs are collections of behaviors with no associated data. An API is always named and contains zero or more methods.

StatementAPI = api TypeName [Extension] brace_open [CommentBlock] { APIMethod } brace_close [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .


api Empty {}

api I {
Method(:Empty) returns (:Empty) @2

api I2 extends (:I, :Empty) {}
API Method Signatures

API methods are typed input/output contracts:

APIMethodInput    = paren_open TypeSpecifier paren_close .
APIMethodReturns = returns paren_open TypeSpecifier paren_close .
APIMethod = identifier APIMethodInput APIMethodReturns [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .


api I {
Method(:Empty) returns (:Empty) @2
API Extensions

APIs support a form of composition using the extends clause of the api syntax.

Extension = extends paren_open TypeSpecifier { comma TypeSpecifier } [comma] paren_close .


api I extends (:Another, :AnotherTwo) {}
SDK Statements

The SDK is a variant of the API with a different method signature syntax and intended for a specialized purpose that is documented in later sections.

StatementSDK        = sdk TypeName [Extension] brace_open [CommentBlock] { SDKMethod } brace_close [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .


sdk Empty {}

sdk S {
Close() nothrows
GetValueByName(name :Text) returns (:Value)
SDK Method Signatures

The method signature requires, at minimum, a method name, an open parenthesis, and a close parenthesis. Methods may have zero or more named parameters, a return type, and an exception handling mode.

SDKMethodParameter  = identifier TypeSpecifier .
SDKMethodInput = paren_open [SDKMethodParameter {comma SDKMethodParameter} [comma]] paren_close .
SDKMethodReturns = returns paren_open TypeSpecifier paren_close .
SDKMethod = identifier SDKMethodInput [SDKMethodReturns] [nothrows] [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .


sdk S {
HasParams(one :Text, two :Bool, three :S) nothrows
HasReturn() returns (:Text) nothrows

If a returns clause is provided then it must identify a single type. The output parameter may not have a name.

sdk S {
HasReturn() returns (:Text) nothrows
ThisToo() returns (:S) nothrows

SDK methods may optionally indicate that they cannot throw an exception by using the nothrows keyword.

sdk S {
NotMe() nothrows
SDK Extensions

SDK extensions are structurally identical to API extensions.

Impl Statements

The structure of impl is a hybrid between API and SDK.

ImplAs          = as paren_open TypeSpecifier { comma TypeSpecifier } [comma] paren_close .
StatementImpl = impl TypeName ImplAs brace_open [CommentBlock] [ImplRequires] { ImplMethod } brace_close [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .


impl X as (:Y) {
requires {
Z :SomeAPI
A :SomeSDK
MethodFromY(:Input) returns (:Output) {

Impl Requires

The requires element of the impl is similar to that of a lightweight struct.

ImplRequirement = identifier TypeSpecifier [CommentBlock] .
ImplRequires = requires curly_open { ImplRequirement } curl_close .


impl X as (:Y) {
requires {
Z :SomeAPI
A :SomeSDK

Note that requirements support neither user defined UIDs nor annotation applications.

Impl Method Signatures

The syntax of impl methods allows for both API and SDK styles. In addition to a method signature, impl methods also require a method body.

ImplAPIMethod = identifier APIMethodInput APIMethodReturns ImplBlock [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .
ImplSDKMethod = identifier SDKMethodInput [SDKMethodReturns] [nothrows] ImplBlock [UID] [AnnotationApplication] [CommentBlock] .
ImplMethod = ( ImplAPIMethod | ImplSDKMethod ) .


impl X as (:Y, :Z) {
LikeAPI(:Empty) returns (:Empty) {}
LikeSDK(a :Int8, b :Text) nothrows {}
Impl Method Bodies

The bodies of impl methods contain zero or more logical steps.

ImplBlockStep = StepProse |
StepVar |
StepSet |
StepIf |
StepSwitch |
StepWhile |
StepFor |
StepReturn |
StepThrow |
StepExec .

ImplBlock = curly_open { ImplBlockStep } curl_close .
Impl Identifiers

There is a special identifier form available within the context of an impl method body that allows the impl to reference itself as part of a fully qualified identifier.

ImplIdentifier = [dollar dot] QualifiedIdentifier


Var Statements

A var statement declares a variable and optionally assigns an initial value.

ValueOrInvocation = Invocation | Value .
StepVar = var identifier TypeSpecifier [equal ValueOrInvocation] .


var X :Text
var Y :Int64 = 123
var Z :List<:Bool> = $.A.B()

Each variable must have an explicit type specifier.

Prose Statements

A prose statement is free-form, multi-line text that may be embedded within the body of an impl method.

StepProse = prose .


`This is a prose statement.

It can span multiple lines.

It can include any character but the tick which is used to end the prose.
Set Statements

A set statement assigns a value to some variable.

StepSet = set QualifiedIdentifier equal ValueOrInvocation .


set X = "text"
set Y = 999
set Z = [false, false, true]
set a.b.c = 1.2
If-Else Statements

If/Else statements represent branching logic based on boolean conditions.

Else = else ImplBlock .
ElseIf = else if ValueBinary ImplBlock .
StepIf = if ValueBinary ImplBlock {ElseIf} [Else] .


if (true == true) {}

if (Y == true) {

} else {


if (X < 100) {

} else if (X < 200) {

} else {


Each branch re-uses the grammar of the full impl method body.

Switch Statements

Switch statements represent branching logic with multiple conditions based on value equivalence.

SwitchCase = case Value {comma Value} ImplBlock .
SwitchDefault = default ImplBlock .
SwitchElement = SwitchCase | SwitchDefault .
StepSwitch = switch Value curly_open {SwitchElement} curl_close .


switch TextValue {
case "one" {}
case "two" {}
case "three", "four" {}
default {}
While Statements

While statements represent looping based on a boolean condition.

StepWhile = while ValueBinary ImplBlock .


    while (true == true) {}

while (x < 100) {}
For Statements

For statements represent looping based on elements of a List or Map type.

ForValueName = identifier .
ForKeyName = identifier .
StepFor = for ForKeyName comma ForValueName in Value ImplBlock .


for idx, value in [1,2,3,4] {}

for key, value in MapValue {}
Return Statements

Return statements indicate the end of logic for a method and set the return value.

StepReturn = return [Value] .


return 1234
return SomeValue
return {FieldOne: "text", FieldTwo: true}
Throw Statements

Throw statements indicate the end of logic for a method and set the exception value.

StepThrow = throw Value .


throw SomeException
throw {FieldOne: "text", FieldTwo: true}
Exec Statements

Exec statements indicate the invocation of a method but without assignment of the return value, if any, to variable.

StepExec = exec Invocation .


exec Some.MethodInvocation()

The IDL has support for some forms of values or expressions.

General Values

The general Value represents literals, identifiers, and booleans.

Value = ValueUnary | ValueBinary | ValueLiteral | ValueIdentifier .
List Literals

A list literal represents a sequence of values. List literals are defined as a sequence of other values within square brackets ([ and ]).

ValueLiteralList    = square_open [Value {comma Value} {comma}] square_close .


["one", "two", "three",]
Struct Literals

A struct literal represents the instantiation of a user-defined type. Struct literals are enclosed within curly braces ({ and }) and contain comma separated key/value pairs. Each key/value pair is split using the colon (:) character and consecutive pairs are separated by a comma (,).

ValueLiteralStruct         = brace_open [ValueLiteralStructPair {comma ValueLiteralStructPair} {comma}] brace_close .
ValueLiteralStructPair = identifier colon Value .


{key: "value}
{key: 1, key2: 2, key3: 3,}
Literal Values

All literal values are valid for usage of Value. Numeric literals may optionally have a sign character.

ValueLiteralBool   = bool_lit .
ValueLiteralInt = int_lit .
ValueLiteralFloat = float_lit .
ValueLiteralText = text_lit .
ValueLiteralData = data_lit .

ValueLiteral = ValueLiteralBool |
ValueLiteralInt |
ValueLiteralFloat |
ValueLiteralText |
ValueLiteralData |
ValueLiteralList |
ValueLiteralStruct .


Identifier Values

All qualified identifiers are syntactically valid values.

ValueIdentifier = QualifiedIdentifier .


Unary Operator Values

A small set of unary operators are available for values.

ValueUnary =  (plus | minus | bang ) Value


Binary Operator Values

A set of binary operators are also available for values.

ValueBinary = paren_open Value ( equal_compare | equal_not | equal_lesser | equal_greater | bool_and | bool_or | bin_and | bin_or | bin_xor | shift_left | shift_right | plus | slash | star | mod ) Value paren_close


(a >= b)
(1 + 2)
(8 << 2)
((0 & 1) | 0)
Method Invocations

A method invocation can take one of three forms: direct, async, and await.

Invocation = InvocationAwait | InvocationAsync | InvocationDirect .
Direct Invocations

A direct invocation is a standard method call. Each invocation may have an optional catch clause for exception handling.

InvocationParameters  = Value {comma Value} [comma] .
InvocationCatch = catch identifier ImplBlock .
InvocationDirect = ImplIdentifier paren_open [InvocationParameters] paren_close [InvocationCatch] .


AnotherMethod(true, 123, [1.2, 2.3])
$.MethodWithCatch() catch ex {}
Async Invocations

Async invocations are a modified direct invocation that is prefixed with the async keyword and does not allow a catch clause.

InvocationAsync = async ImplIdentifier paren_open [InvocationParameters] paren_close .


async SomeMethod()
async $.AnotherMethod(true, 123, [1.2, 2.3])
async a.method.from.somewhere()
Await Invocations

Await invocations are the compliment to async invocations. Await invocations do not support parameters but do support the catch clause.

InvocationAwait = await identifier [InvocationCatch] .


await SomeVariable
await SomeVariable catch e {}

Language Interpretation And Compiler Rules

This section contains compiler implementation constraints and requirements that extend beyond the language grammar.

Reserved Identifiers

The follow identifiers represent the built-in type names and are reserved by the compiler:

Bool    Text      Data
Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64
UInt8 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64
Float32 Float64
List Map
Empty Presence AsyncTask

User defined types may not use these identifiers as names. However, struct fields, api methods, sdk methods and sdk input parameters may use these identifiers as names because they do not do not conflict with use of the predeclared identifiers as type specifiers.

Predeclared identifiers are inherent in each module but cannot be imported by another modules. For example, the following is invalid:

import "/path/to/module" as Other
const X :Other.Int64 = 1


The type specifier :Bool is used to indicate use of the boolean type. Booleans have no numeric value and resolve only to the true and false keywords.


The IDL supports fixed size integer types, signed and unsigned.

Int88bit signed integers in the range of -2^7 to (2^7)-1
Int1616bit signed integers in the range of -2^15 to (2^15)-1
Int3232bit signed integers in the range of -2^31 to (2^31)-1
Int6464bit signed integers in the range of -2^63 to (2^63)-1
UInt88bit unsigned integers in the range of 0 to (2^8)-1
UInt1616bit unsigned integers in the range of 0 to (2^16)-1
UInt3232bit unsigned integers in the range of 0 to (2^32)-1
UInt6464bit unsigned integers in the range of 0 to (2^64)-1

There is no unsized Int or Uint type.

Floating Point

Floating point numbers in the IDL match the IEEE 754 specification with the exception that +Inf, -Inf, and NaN are not valid values. Only finite numeric values are allowed.

Float3232bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers
Float6464bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers

There is no unsized Float type.


Text, or strings, are denoted with the :Text type specifier and represent a sequence UTF-8 characters, or code points. The default maximum size in bytes of a string is 2^31-2 to make strings compatible with 32bit and greater systems that use an unsized integer to track string length. Special compiler modes and annotations may adjust this limit.


Data, or byte strings, are denoted with the :Data type specifier and represent a sequence of bytes. A byte is equivalent to an unsigned 8bit integer. The default maximum size in bytes of data is 2^31-2 to make data compatible with 32bit and greater systems that use an unsized integer to track string length. Special compiler modes and annotations may adjust this limit.


Lists are denoted with the :List<:T> type specifier and represent an ordered sequence of values where all values are of the same type. Declaring a list type requires providing a type parameter like:


However, the list type is not a typical generic type. The type parameter of a list may not be a List or Map type.

The IDL does not have a specific memory model for lists so there are no requirements for lists to be rendered in a specific form in target languages. Compiler implementations and code generators are free to determine the best expression of the list concept for a target language.


Maps are denoted with the :Map<:K,:V> type specifier and represent an unordered set of key/value pairs where all keys or of the same type and values are of the same type but keys and values may be of separate types. Declaring a map type requires providing two type parameters like:


Like lists, maps are not a typical generic type. The type parameter for keys may be Bool, Text, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, or UInt64. The type parameter for values may be any primitive type (Bool, Text, Data, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Float32, Float64), a user defined struct, or enum. Maps may not contain list or map type values.

The IDL does not have a specific model for map types. Instead, it converts all map fields into :List<:MapEntry> where MapEntry is a generated type. Map entry types always have a Key and Value field with types that match the map key and map value types respectively. The resulting field must be marked as both IsList and IsMap with the field type referencing the generated map entry. The resulting map entry struct must be marked as IsSynthetic to identify it as a generated type.

There are no requirements for maps to be rendered in a specific form in target languages. Compiler implementations and code generators are free to determine the best expression of the map concept for a target language. This includes, for example, choosing not to render the synthetic map entry struct and using a native map type instead.


The predeclared identifier Empty represents a struct with no fields. It is equivalent to:

struct Empty {}


Presence types are denoted with the Presence<:T> specifier and represent value that may not be present. Declaring an option type requires providing a type parameter like:


Presence is not a typical generic type. The type parameter may only be one of the primitive types (Bool, Text, Data, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Float32, Float64). Struct, SDK, and API types have an implied Presence<> decorator and should always be rendered in a presence aware form. Enums have a meaningful and presence related zero value such that a presence indicator is redundant.

Compiler implementations and code generators are free to determine the best expression of the Presence concept for a target language.


The import statement grammar asserts that every import has two parts: a text value indicating the location of a module and a local alias to represent the imported module. For example:

import "/path/to/file" as SomeModuleName
import "file:///path/to/file" as .

The text value that indicates the module location may be in one of two forms: an absolute file system path or a URI. Compilers are required to support local file system paths and file: URIs. Compilers may optionally support other types of URIs.

All local system paths and file URIs must use the unix style path separator of /. All paths should be absolute (beginning with a /). However, compilers may choose to interpret relative paths as absolute by prepending a /. For the purposes of importing, /path/to/file and file:///path/to/file are considered equivalent in all ways.

All system import paths are relative to one or more search roots. How and where those search roots are configured is implementation specific. The general note is that relative imports are not supported. For example, given a search root such as:


The module foo.mglot may import bar.mglot as either /bar/bar.mglot or file:///bar/bar.mglot. It may not import the module as ../bar/bar.mglot or any other equivalent relative path.

When the imported module alias is a name, such as import "/file" as File then all declarations from the imported file are available under the name File, such as File.Element. If the imported module alias is . instead of a name, such as import "/file" as ., then it indicates that all declarations of the imported module are imported into the current module namespace. This means that all elements of the imported module are available without going through an alias. This effect is transitive such that if a dot imports b which dot imports c then a contains all the declarations of a, b, and c. Any file that imports a with an alias such as import "/a" as A can access content from all three modules.

Dot imports exist only to support conversions to and from Protocol Buffers. Dot imports without a Protocol Buffers conversion annotation, $(Protobuf.PublicImport(true)), should be considered errors and must result in, at least, a warning.


Annotations are limited in their possible input types to any primitive type (Bool, Text, Data, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Float32, Float64) or structs. List and map types are not supported except as fields on a struct.


Constants are limited in their possible types to primitive types except for Data. The full set of supported types for constants is: Bool, Text, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Float32, and Float64.

Text is supported while Data is not because there is widespread support in most target languages for defining string constants but very little support for defining byte string constants. Most widely used programming languages treat byte strings as composite types for which a constant may not be defined. If a general purpose or widely applicable workaround for this issue is found then future versions of this specification may allow for Data constants.


All enums, even empty ones, have an implicit value named None that is assigned the UID value 0. This is the zero value of the enum. That is, if no explicit enumerant is chosen then the value of an enum is None.

Users may override this behavior by providing their own zero value in the form of:

enum E {
MyNone @0

Explicitly identifying any enumerant as UID value 0 removes the implicit None and replaces it with the user selection.

Enumerants in the IDL have no concrete value other than their name or symbol. That is, enumerants are not numbers or strings as they might commonly be presented in target programming languages. Exactly how an enum is rendered to a target language is implementation specific and determined by the compiler or code generator.

In order to adapt to the variety of ways in which individual target languages may handle enums combined with the purpose of the IDL as a tool for communicating data between systems, there is an additional implicit enumerant named _Unknown. The _Unknown enumerant cannot be overridden and represents the condition where a system is handling an enumerant for which it does not have the matching IDL definition. To illustrate, consider two systems communicating using an enum defined as:

enum E {

Both systems should be constrained to sending and receiving either One, Two, or None because these represent the entirety of the possible enumerants. However, the expected common case is that there is no guaranteed coordination between any two parties regarding when and where updates to IDL are incorporated. For example, the above enumerant might be expanded to:

enum E {

If only one of the two systems (A) updates to incorporate the new enumerant and sends the value Three to the other system (B) which has not been updated then system B receives an enumerant value that it cannot interpret because it does not have a matching symbol. Instead, system B will convert all unknown enumerants to _Unknown so that code using the enum value can make an informed decision on how to handle the unknown value rather than defaulting to an exception or error of some kind.

In other words, the built-in _Unknown value in all enums is a best-effort attempt at forwards compatibility.



Struct fields are all explicitly typed. Fields may be defined as any primitive type, enum, or struct value. Struct fields may not be API, SDK, or impl types.


Structs may define any number of unions. Each union is conceptually a tagged union where at most one element of the union may be set at a given time and there is a value that indicates which of the fields is set. Unions may be named or unnamed. Unnamed unions have a default name of Union. As such, there can be only one unnamed union in a struct or it would be equivalent to defining two fields named Union.

Unions are fields of the struct and exist in the same namespace and UID space as ordinary fields. However, unions do not have a concrete type or expression beyond the fact that they group fields into a mutually exclusive set. The exact representation of this concept in a target language is not specified so that the most reasonable representation may be used. Additionally, whether the union field is included in encoding or transmission schemes is not specified.

Default Values

Unless otherwise specified, all fields default to their zero value. Users may re-define the zero value of a specific field through assignment. For example, the zero value of a boolean is false but the default for a field may be set to true using:

struct S {
F1 :Bool = true

This feature is limited to the set of types supported by constants and identifiers that reference either enumerant or constant values. Unary operators applied to all of these types are also allowed for cases such as negation of an integer or boolean.



The most minimal method definition allowed is:

api I {
Method(:Empty) returns (:Empty)

Input and return types must be a structs. The structs may not directly or indirectly contain API or SDK types.

All API method signature have an implied exception type that may be raised, thrown, returned, or any other style of exception handling that a target language implements. The exact details of the exception type are dependent on the compiler such that all APIs compiled by the same implementation throw the same exception types.


APIs support a form of inheritance or composition through the extends syntax:

api I extends (:I2, :I3) {}

An extension chain for an API includes all extended APIs and all APIs extended by those APIs, recursively. To illustrate, given the these API definitions:

api One {}
api Two extends (:One) {}
api Three extends (:Two) {}

the following are equivalent:

    api Four extends (:Three) {}
api Four extends (:One, :Two, :Three) {}

The full API extension chain may contain up to (2^8)-1 other APIs. Adding an extension to an API is equivalent to saying "implementations of A must also implement B". This property holds true for any depth of extension chains The exact expression of this is implementation and code generation dependent.

In order to support a wide array of API extension models, the following constraints are set for all compiler implementations:

  • APIs may only extend APIs.
  • Extensions chains may not contain cycles.
  • Method names must be unique within the entire set of methods comprising an extension chain.
  • APIs always maintain their own UID space such that an API and every API it extends may have a method with UID 1 without conflict.
  • APIs that appear multiple times in an extension chain are treated as being present only once.
  • Each unique API in the chain counts towards the (2^8)-1 limit.



SDK methods have several optional parts. The most minimal method definition allowed is:

sdk S {

If no input type is given then the method accepts no input. Any number of named input parameters may be defined and as any type:

sdk S {
Method(one :Struct, two :API, three: SDK, four :Text)

Methods may optionally define a returns clause. If a method does not contain a returns clause then it does not return a value. If a returns clause is present then it must define an explicit return type:

sdk S {
Method() returns (:Empty)

Return values for SDK methods may be of any type.

SDK methods, like API methods, have an implied exception type that may be raised, thrown, returned, or any other style of exception handling that a target language implements. The exact details of the exception type are dependent on the compiler such that all APIs compiled by the same implementation throw the same exception types. Unlike API methods, SDK methods may have the exception behavior disabled using nothrows:

sdk S {
Method() nothrows

This indicates that the method cannot fail. Compilers and code generators should choose an appropriate form in target languages when handling nothrows methods.


SDKs support a form of inheritance or composition through the extends syntax:

sdk S extends (:S2, :S3) {}

An extension chain for an SDK includes all extended SDKs and all SDKs extended by those SDKs, recursively. To illustrate, given the these SDK definitions:

sdk One {}
sdk Two extends (:One) {}
sdk Three extends (:Two) {}

the following are equivalent:

sdk Four extends (:Three) {}
sdk Four extends (:One, :Two, :Three) {}

The full SDK extension chain may contain up to (2^8)-1 other SDKs. Adding an extension to an SDK is equivalent to saying "implementations of A must also implement B". This property holds true for any depth of extension chains The exact expression of this is implementation and code generation dependent.

In order to support a wide array of SDK extension models, the following constraints are set for all compiler implementations:

  • SDKs may only extend SDKs.
  • Extensions chains may not contain cycles.
  • Method names must be unique within the entire set of methods comprising an extension chain.
  • SDKs always maintain their own UID space such that an SDK and every SDK it extends may have a method with UID 1 without conflict.
  • SDKs that appear multiple times in an extension chain are treated as being present only once.
  • Each unique SDK in the chain counts towards the (2^8)-1 limit.


Impl Requirements

The requires element of the impl declares which APIs and SDKs the impl requires to perform its behaviors. If there is no requires clause then the impl is assumed to have no requirements. If present, the requires clause must contain named parameters that appear similar to struct fields. All requirements must be of either an API or SDK type.

Impl As

The as portion of the impl declares which APIs and SDKs that the type implements. The list of types identified in the as section works similarly to the extends clause in APIs and SDKs.

The full set of types in the as is determined by calculating the extends portion of each API and SDK identified. The resulting set represents all the methods that the impl must implement.

Impl Methods

The grammar and syntax of impls allows them to contain methods in both API and SDK forms. The actual valid form of the method, though, is determined by the type in as that defines the method.

Each impl must define all methods represented by the types in as. The method names and signatures must match exactly though the UID values of each method may differ to avoid conflicts.

An impl may not define methods that are not part of the as.

Impl Async/Await

The impl template language supports a limited form of concurrency with the async and await keywords. The compiler implementation and code generators may determine the most appropriate form, if any, that these take in a target language. That is, the code resulting from async and await is not required to be asynchronous, supporting of concurrency, or directly express an equivalent to the AsyncTask that is generated from use of the async operator.

From an IDL perspective, all use of async results in a AsyncTask with the following interface:

sdk AsyncTask {

Note that neither method provides a return value. The only way to extract a value from a task is to use await. The return value of await is matched to the return type of the method that was invoked with async to produce the AsyncTask. For example:

sdk S {
Method() returns (:Int64)
api I {
impl Impl as :I {
requires {
S :S
AnotherMethod() {
var F :AsyncTask = async $.S.Method()
var FV :Int64 = await F catch e {}

If the method is defined with nothrows then it is not valid to use catch when applying await to the AsyncTask. Otherwise, the end-user may add exception handling at the point of await.

UID Values

All user defined types and values must have an associated UID. UID values are unique, numeric identifiers that are either provided by a user or automatically generated. All UID values are typed as a UInt64.

Module UIDs

No module may use the UID value 0. The module 0 is a virtual module that contains all built-in types. The module UID values 1 - 255 are reserved for use by projects that implement a compiler. The range of UID values allowed for end-users is 256 - (2^64)-1.

Module UIDs must be unique within the set of all modules compiled together. Generally, module UIDs are expected to be universally unique across all modules that exist. As such, compilers should provide a tool that generates random module UIDs for users in an effort to minimize the chance of conflicts.

This is the only UID value that must be present in a module. All other UIDs may be automatically generated.

Top-Level Element UIDs

Top level elements include annotation, const, struct, union, enum, api, and sdk. All top-level element UIDs can span the range of 1 - (2^64)-1.

Top level element UIDs must be unique within the module. If a top-level element does not have a user provided UID then one may be generated by taking the bytes of the module UID in little endian order, appending the bytes of the element name, and computing a SHA256 of the resulting byte string. The first 8 bytes of the output become the integer UID value for the element.

Sub-Element UIDs

Sub-elements include struct fields, unions within a struct, enumerants, and methods. All sub-element UIDs can span the range of 1 - (2^64)-1 with the UID 0 being reserved for compiler implementation use. Enumerants, however, may span the full range of 0 - (2^64)-1 with 0 representing the default enumerant of an enum.

If a sub-element is defined without a user provided UID then one may be generated by taking the bytes of the parent element UID in little endian order, appending the bytes of the sub-element name, and computing a SHA256. The first 8 bytes of the output become the integer UID value for the sub-element.

Type Compatibility

All elements of the Microglot IDL are typed. The constants, annotations, default field values, and impl bodies all allow some form of assigning values to a typed element. Compilers must assert that all assignments and operations target the appropriate types. Any two values of exactly the same type are, by definition, compatible. However, there are additional rules that allow some types to be compatible with others.

Note that these compatibility rules regard only assignments and operations within the IDL. Wire protocols and serialization formats may define their own compatibility rules to bridge between external values and IDL types.

Safe Compatibility

The following table lists a receiver type on the left and all safe types that may be assigned to it on the right:

TypeCompatible WithComments
:Bool:BoolBooleans are not numeric values so assigning 1 or 0 is
not safely compatible
:Text:TextText is always UTF-8 encoded so it is not safe to assign
an arbitrary Data value
:Data:Data :TextAll Text values may be downgraded to Data safely
because they are already a specialized form of a byte string
:Int16:Int16 :Int8All integers types of the same sign may safely
receive a smaller value
:Int32:Int32 :Int16 :Int8
:Int64:Int64 :Int32 :Int16 :Int8
:UInt16:UInt16 :UInt8
:UInt32:UInt32 :UInt16 :UInt8
:UInt64:UInt64 :UInt32 :UInt16 :UInt8
:Float64:Float64Float sizes have different precision and are not
safely compatible

All of the right-hand-side types may be assigned to the left-hand-side type without any loss of information. This is what defines them as "safe" and is irrespective of the concrete values being used.

Unsafe Compatibility

Unsafe compatibility, or the ability for a user to explicitly allow a conversion between types where information loss may occur, is not currently supported.

Zero And Default Values

The IDL has no expressed concept of NULL. Compiler implementations and code generators are free to use a NULL equivalent as needed or as it fits a particular use case. The IDL, however, does not formally include this concept. Instead, all typed elements have a default value which is their nearest equivalent value to zero:

TypeDefault Value

All complex and user defined types have an implicit :Presence<T> wrapper so the default for these is "unset". This may be expressed in any way by compilers and code generators for a target language.

Enum types default to the 0 UID value whether that is the implicit enumerant or an end-user defined 0 enumerant.

IDL Descriptor

The compiler's primary output is a descriptor object that contains a complete representation of the compiled content. The exact structure of the descriptor is expected to change until v1 of this specification at which point it will be embedded here. The descriptor type is designed to encompass input from all supported syntaxes. Other specifications will define the serialization formats, generated code outputs, and compiler plugin protocols.

The microglot language and descriptor are designed to provide compatibility with the Protocol Buffer syntaxes and descriptor. The following sections detail the process of converting between the descriptor types.

Protocol Buffers To Microglot Descriptor Conversions

As part of the Protocol Buffers compatibility support, compilers must be able to accept and output Protocol Buffers descriptors in addition to Microglot descriptors. This means that compilers must have the ability to convert between the two types as needed. While the Microglot IDL supports the majority of Protocol Buffers features it is not a strict superset. Additionally, the Microglot IDL supports features that cannot be expressed in Protocol Buffers. The following sections cover how Protocol Buffers descriptors are converted to Microglot descriptors including cases where conversion is not possible.


The Protocol Buffers enum type is virtually identical to the Microglot IDL enum type and converts directly. Duplicated enumerant UID values enabled by the allow_alias option are removed. Only the first entry with a given UID should be converted.


Messages convert to structs which are a similar construct. The message container converts directly but there are some differences in the field mapping that must be accounted for.

Scalar Types

Protocol Bufferes supports a variety of scalar types that represent the same value range but are conveyed with a different encoding. All integer types convert to their closest equivalent using the following table:

Protocol BuffersMicroglot
int32, sint32, sfixed32Int32
int64, sint64, sfixed64Int64
uint32, fixed32UInt32
uint64, fixed64UInt64

When the sint*, sfixed*, or fixed* are converted then the field should also receive the $(Protobuf.FieldType("sfixed32")) annotation so that there is no loss when converting back to a ProtocolBuffers descriptor and so that serialization of the resulting type can be performed correctly.

Packed Fields

The packed = true option for proto2 has not been relevant or required for a long time. All modern Protocol Buffers implementations are capable of receiving both packed and unpacked encoding for repeated integer fields such that the packed option can be considered an optimizing hint rather than a distinct type.

Generally, all repeated fields should be converted while ignoring the packed option unless it is explicitly set to false (packed = false). The explicit negative value is likely an indicator that a system interacts with a legacy system that predates protoc v2.3.0. In this case the relevant field option, $(Protobuf.Field({Packed: false})), should be set to false to indicate the exclusion. All other repeated fields will be assumed as packed = true and the option will be added on all conversions back from Microglot IDL.

Nested Types

The Microglot descriptor does not support nested types but Protocol Buffers messages may have either enums or messages defined within them. All nested types must be converted to Microglot IDL as independent types. For a nested type Foo.Bar the resulting type should become Foo_Bar. While the new type name causes a conflict a suffix of X is added. For example, if Foo_Bar conflicts with another type then it becomes Foo_BarX and if that still conflicts with another type then it becomes Foo_BarXX, and so on. This is similar to how protoc constructs synthetic types and guarantees to converge on a unique name for the new type.

A compiler should emit a warning if it must append one or more X values to the nested type name because this is a potentially breaking condition for interoperability. Notably, a different number of conflicts between compilations will result in different type names and UIDs which will break any existing references to the old type name and/or UID.

The $(Protobuf.NestedTypeInfo({})) annotation should be used on all isolated child types to preserve the nested nature when converting back to protobuf.

Proto2 Default Values

Default values in proto2 are defined using the option default = value. However, the default option is not a true option because it is converted to an attribute of the field rather than being stored with other options. The default value converts to a Microglot IDL value which is also an attribute of the field descriptor.

Proto3 Optional

The optional modifier from proto3 works differently than the modifier with the same name in proto2. All proto3 fields defined with optional should set the HasPresence value to true in the Microglot descriptor.

The optional modifier in proto3 also results in the construction of a synthetic oneof field being added to the Protocol Buffers descriptor. This synthetic oneof does not convert to Microglot IDL as the presence indicator is implemented differently. Only the field is converted with the HasPresence set to true.

Proto2 Required/Optional

The proto2 form of optional is the default form of all fields in Microglot IDL. If the field as the mglot_field_presence = true option then it should convert into the Presence form of the field type.

The proto2 required indicator has no equivalent in Microglot IDL. Required fields are converted as ordinary fields. The converted field should receive the $(Protobuf.Required(true)) annotation.

Proto2 Group

The proto2 group feature is not supported in Microglot IDL.


Proto3 only allows extensions on the messages that define options. All of these are ignored because the Microglot descriptor tracks only official options.

Proto2 provides a general purpose mechanism for enabling messages to be extended with new fields. Proto2 extension fields are merged into the type descriptor they extend such that they appear as normal fields. The only indicator that a field is an extension is a populated extendee attribute. Extension fields convert as normal fields. The extend directives are lost during the conversion such that converting back results in the extended object being rendered with all extension fields.


Services convert to APIs which are nearly identical in structure. Services that use streaming input or output cannot convert.

Built-In Options

Protocol Buffers has a number of options defined as part of the core descriptor object. All of these options are represented as annotations in the included protobuf.mglot file. All relevant protobuf options should be converted to those microglot options and attached to the relevant element.

Import Weak/Public

Weak imports are effectively deprecated and explicitly discouraged from use. There is no weak import equivalent in Microglot IDL. All weak imports convert to regular imports. They should be annotated with $(Protobuf.WeakImport(true)).

Public imports are a supported feature of both proto2 and proto3. Microglot IDL has limited support for public imports in order to enable conversions to and from Protocol Buffers. Public imports convert into dot imports and all imported names must be converted into DotImport elements in the descriptor. All converted public imports must be annotated with $(Protobuf.PublicImport(true)) as a best effort indicator that the public imports were converted from protobuf.

Map Types

Map types in proto2 and proto3 result in the generation of a synthetic message that represents the map entry. The compiled field type for a map is not a map at all but a repeated field of the synthetic entry message. The synthetic message is annotated with the map_entry = true option to identify that it is intended as a map.

The Microglot descriptor handles map values in a nearly identical way. The biggest difference is that the Microglot descriptor does not generate a nested type and instead generates a top level type to represent the map entry. To convert a map field, first convert the nested synthetic type into a top-level type as with any nested type. The resulting microglot struct must be marked IsSynthetic. Then convert the field as with any other field but setting IsMap to true.

Synthetic UID Generation

All addressable elements in Microglot IDL have a UID. All UID values are unsigned 64bit integers. Proto2 and proto3 only require and handle UID values for fields and enumerants. This leaves the file, top-level types, and service methods lacking any useful UID values.

The file UID is generated by taking the SHA256 of the package name combined with the file path and then selecting the first 8 bytes. All top-level declaration UIDs, such as for messages and services, are generated by concatenating the declaration name to the byte value of the file UID, taking a SHA256, and then selecting the first 8 bytes. Service methods follow the same pattern by concatenating the method name to the byte value of the service UID, taking a SHA256, and then selecting the first 8 bytes. Aside from the file UID, all UIDs are generated by concatenating the name of the element to the bytes of the parent UID value, hashing that value with SHA256, and then extracting a 64bit unsigned integer from the first 8 bytes.

Note that the file UID is potentially unstable as moving the file or running the compiler with a different root configuration will result in the UID changing. The compiler will tolerate the unstable value but systems built from generated code will likely fail to correctly interoperate if the value is not consistent. To stabilize the value, import the mglot.proto file and apply the options within. There is an option for each type of Protocol Buffers declaration that sets the UID. Compilers should check for these options and defer to any set value rather than generate new UID values. When Microglot IDL is converted to Protocol Buffers it should include these options so that any subsequent compilation leverages a stable value.

Package Paths

A package name in Protocol Buffers is optional. It primarily acts as a text prefix for all the types declared within a file. If a file contains a package path then it should be converted to a file annotation using $(Protobuf.Package("")) so that conversion back to Protocol buffers will retain the original prefix.

Microglot IDL To Protocol Buffers Conversion

Module UID

Protocol Buffers does not have a concept of a UID beyond struct fields. When converting to Protocol Buffers the UID should be stored as a file option using mglot_module_uid = <UID>. If the module has a file annotation containing the Protocol Buffers package then this should be included as the package value for the file.

Proto2 Or Proto3 Syntax

Proto3 is the default syntax to use when converting. However, any use of default field values within a module require that the conversion target be proto2. This is because only proto2 supports default values. If any field within a module is annotated with Protobuf.Required(true) then the conversion must also target proto2 because that is the only version that supports required fields. Also, if any module contains constant definitions then the target must be proto2 because the conversion of constants requires use of default values as described in a later section.


Enums convert to a mostly identical structure in the Protocol Buffers descriptor. One exception is for enum values that have been annotated with NestedType which generally only appears for previously converted Protocol Buffers descriptors. If this annotation is applied to an enum then it must be converted to Protocol Buffers as a nested type.

Another exception is that enumerants in Protocol Buffers must be globally unique within their package whereas Microglot IDL enumerants are encapsulated within the namespace of the enum. When converting enumerants, the name of the enum must be prepended to guarantee uniqueness. For example None becomes Foo_None. The mglot_original_name = "None" options must be added during conversion.

All converted enums and enumerants should be annotated with the appropriate UID option for their type.


Structs are generally compatible with Protocol Bufferes messages but there are some small exceptions.

Any struct that is annotated as being a nested type, like enums, must be converted as a child type of the identified parent. The resulting message and fields should be annotated with the relevant UID options.

If converting to proto3 then all use of Presence converts to an optional field. If converting to proto2 then Presence converts to both an optional field and an option identifying the use of presence as mglot_field_presence = true. This is to handle an ambiguity in proto2 where use of optional fields is not always related to presence. Adding the option allows conversion back to the appropriate type.

Scalar Types

Microglot IDL supports a different, but largely overlapping, set of scalar types than Protocol Buffers. The following table details the conversion of types:

Int8, Int16, Int32int32
UInt8, UInt16, UInt32uint32

Protocol Buffers does not support 8 or 16 bit integers so these must be converted to 32 bit. The mglot_field_type should be set to the name of the original microglot field type so that converting back results in the correct type being used.

If the $(Protobuf.FieldType("")) annotation is present for any field then the identified field type should be used instead of the conversion table. The mglot_field_type should still be set as usual.

Default Values

Protocol Buffer options, which are used to set default values in proto2, can contain integer, float, string, boolean, and identifier values which overlaps exactly with microglot support for default values. The exact specification for the value formats is documented here.

The scalar values convert directly without issues. Identifiers, though, may require some special handling. Enumerant identifiers convert directly to Protocol Buffers identifiers as this is a supported feature. However, Microglot IDL default values that reference constants do not directly translate because Protocol Buffers does not support the concept of a named constant. The exact value of any constant reference replaces the reference during conversion. For example, f :Int32 = MyConst becomes f :Int32 = -1234 and the materialized value is then used as the default. When this happens the mglot_field_default option should be set to the original reference so that it can be converted back.

Constant Values

Protocol Buffers does not support named constants but named constants may be used in Microglot IDL when assigning a default field value. If constants have no presence in a Protocol Buffers file then they are lost when converting back to Microglot IDL.

To resolve this, all constants within a module are converted into struct fields and written to a struct called MglotConstants. If creating this type would result in a conflict then the character X is appended to the string until there is no conflict (ex: MglotConstantsXXXXX). Each constant value is then converted into a field of the same type with the default value set to the constant value.

The generate message must be annotated with the mglot_struct_constants = true option to identify it as a container of constants and not a regular message.


Any annotations from protobuf.mglot that are used in Microglot IDL should be converted to their respective Protocol Buffers form. No other annotations are converted at this time. Future versions of this specification may include a method of storing arbitrary annotations in Protocol Buffers.


All imports in Microglot IDL convert to standard imports in Protocol Buffers. Any imports annotated with $(Protobuf.WeakImport(true)) or $(Protobuf.PublicImport(true)) are converted to their appropriate import types and to the appropriate entries in the descriptor.

Map Types

Maps in Microglot IDL and Protocol Buffers work similarly. Convert the synthetic map entry struct into a nested type and add the map_entry = true option to the nested message. The field otherwise converts as any other field.

SDK and Impl Types

SDK and impl types do not convert to Protocol Buffers as there is no reasonable match for their contents. Future revisions of this specification may outline a way to encode SDK and impl values for the purposes of supporting lossless, bidirectional conversion but they cannot be made available as types in Protocol Buffers with equivalent features.


Microglot IDL Specification © 2020 by Microglot LLC is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit


Portions of this specification are either heavily inspired by or directly copied from other open source works. Specifically, the Go language specification and the Cap'n Proto schema documentation are used.

Go language specification: "The Go Authors".

Cap'n Proto schema documentation: "Sandstorm Development Group, Inc.; Cloudflare, Inc.; and other contributors."